About the Journal

Research and Advances in Education (ISSN 2788-7057) is an international, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal addressed to researchers and various agencies interested in the studies and theoretical papers in education at any level. The journal publishes original research articles, reviews, communication, and case studies.

Research and Advances in Education aims to relate timely high-quality research findings across a broad range of topics and provide inclusive and equitable global access to research. The journal publishes quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method research papers. Submissions that synthesize information from disparate backgrounds, place research findings within a broad context, extend our methodological and theoretical understanding, and have the likelihood of informing education policy and practice are preferred.

Research and Advances in Education publishes across all relevant fields of research, including but not restricted to:

Adult Education

Comparative Education

Curriculum and Teaching Methodology

Educational Policy

Education Technology

History of Education

Higher Education

Learning and Teaching


Pre-school Education

Sociology of Education

Special Education

Teacher Education

Testing and Evaluation

Vocational and Technical Education